Brief: The Sarasota Fairgrounds are looking to build a personal interactive installation to create a sense of unity and belonging in the art community.

The Challenge: …This is what all of my training was leading up to. Months and months of grinding Touch Designer for this one perfect moment… I knew I couldn’t do it alone, so I enlisted the help of my friendly neighborhood illustrator, Gabby. Together we persisted and made quite possibly the most interesting piece yet in our careers.

The Process: My ambitions were certainly high, enough to scare anyone away from even approaching this project (Honestly was like the only who attempted it along with Gabby), but we knew we could do it with enough time and patience. Luckily we had supplies already with an “Second Edition Xbox Kinect Azure” which we used to track the fine movements of human locomotion. From there we painfully created the world in which these creatures would sing and save your music to a (theoretical) cloud service for you to savor and cherish as a memory.

Technology Used: This project used a ton of 3D and Touch Designer at once. Luckily we did the same approach from the “Hallmark AR project” and used 2D illustrations instead of full on 3D based character models, which would’ve sucked up a majority of the small amount of time we already had. In which Gabby uses a program called “Firealpaca” which is a great free software that has the easiest gif animation system I’ve ever seen. Made for a lot of fast iterations.

Sarasota Fairgrounds Installation

Various pitches we had before landing on Forest. Memogram was a close runner up for a simple premise of using stickers in a notebook to capture a moment in time.



Concept art for the forest environment setting.


The gang’s all here! Gabby did a fantastic job with the coloring.

Cut 3D Alligator character who was going to scare off the other animals after a certain threshold of instruments were playing.



The final result after a long, long process. 


Disney Happily Ever After: Projection Show